Why Your Employees Are Leaving – Forbes

Why Your Employees Are Leaving – Forbes.

“Some” people (the operative word being ‘some’ not all) believe that working at a school is so much easier because there’s less work politics to deal with.  I don’t know what they’re talking about but school for me is still work and with work there’s always politics.  It might have a different face depending on where you work but it’s still very much there looming in corners.

This is a super short article but nonetheless a good and relevant read.  I’m going to be moving into yet another school in the coming Fall Semester and this being my sixth school in the last 11 years (going on 12!) naturally, I’ve been a bit more aware of the differences in how schools are run and how that affects the effectiveness of the school’s education.  Administration matters.  Big time. Ultimately, a good teacher is what makes or breaks the school.  But poor administration makes or breaks the potentially ‘great’ teacher.

The Rise of the New Groupthink – NYTimes.com

The Rise of the New Groupthink – NYTimes.com.

What a needed article to put a little brake on the ever-promoted culture of collaboration in the education realm. I am an introverted thinker/creator and absolutely need quiet and alone time to be productive. I must admit that I was also swept up by the push of promoting collaborative work in the classroom but I empathized with kids who, like me, prefer to work alone.

I’m not bashing collaboration at all. I believe that there are times when collaboration is a much preferred means to be productive. But the value of independent work should not be neglected.

Balance. The magic word.